I have invoice pdf where is seller’s and buyer’s adress and i need extract them in two different places.
The text is "…the Seller known as Donald Duck with a mailing address of Bridgeroad 5, 34234, Austria agrees to sell the following item described as Town House to a Buyer known as Daisy Duck with a mailing address of Bumbyroad 44, 23567, Austria for the purchase price of $100000 (US Dollars). "
For the seller I use “agrees” word and everuthing is OK:
Value: sellerInfo.Substring(
sellerInfo.IndexOf(“of”) + “of”.Length,
sellerInfo.IndexOf(“agrees”) - sellerInfo.IndexOf(“of”) - “of”.Length
But for buyer the output is blank value code is:
If(buyerInfo.Contains(“of”) And buyerInfo.Contains(“purchase”),
buyerInfo.IndexOf(“of”) + “of”.Length,
Math.Max(buyerInfo.IndexOf(“purchase”) - buyerInfo.IndexOf(“of”) - “of”.Length, 0)
and if I use same code with modifying the seller adress for buyers then error is “start index cannot be larger than length of string”
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You can use something like
This will give you Seller address:
Seller Address: textVar.Split({“Seller”},StringSplitOptions.None)(1).Split({“mailing address of”},StringSplitOptions.None)(1).Split({“agrees”},StringSplitOptions.None)(0).Trim
This will give you Buyer address:
BuyerAddress : textVar.Split({“Buyer”},StringSplitOptions.None)(1).Split({“mailing address of”},StringSplitOptions.None)(1).Split({“for the purchase”},StringSplitOptions.None)(0).Trim