Data Extracting in PDF with document understanding

I am extracting data from PDF’s using Document Understand, There is a “Employment and Wage Information” in my pdf as below.

If the employer have one employee the “Employment and Wage Information” will display in 3 page.
if the employer have 3 employees the Employment and Wage Information will increase and appear in 3 page and 7th page and 8th Page.
if the employer have 5 employees the Employment and Wage Information will increase and appear in 3 page and 7th page,8th Page,9th page,10page…
Can someone help me on how to extract the data in these scenarios particularly…

Hi @Vamsikrishna_Talam

Have you tried using Intelligent Form Extractor?


Hello @Vamsikrishna_Talam

i think during extraction you can categorize the pages to match the format. You can train the model with similar kind of pdf files and this can be captured with that model during execution.