Data Analytics on UI Path

I need some help on how we can integrate the Robotics analytics to BI tools like Kibana, Dundos.
We are aiming data visualisation on,

  1. No of robots running.
  2. Transaction Details.
  3. Efficiency.
  4. Capacity.

It is already integrated but on Enterprise version.
The Orchestrator has already dashboards and analytics features and all the logs goes into an Elasticsearch installation. There is more to come.

thanks, but i would like integrate into my custom portal.I would like see all the details through an portal instead of logging into UI Path.

In this case export the data to your own portal.

There are two options

  • From our Orchestrator (Elasticsearch) to your portal
  • from individual robots to your portal configuring the robot NLog target

Hi I need help and guidance in getting Kibana and Elastic Search Post Installation configured. I have tried to do numerous attempts with no success. I would like someone to connect and help us configure it in our environment please. I cannot add index pattern with tennantname* as told to me. Only default* is being accepted in Kibana where there are no logs showing. I want to create the index pattern and connect it on Kibana as well as showing us our logs coming in the list in Kibana. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi, we need to check whether Kibana is “connected” with ElasticSearch, and if the logs are actually going into Elastic. Can you try the index pattern * and let me know whether you have any logs ?

