Custom Activities - How to add more than one ExpressionTextField and more (custom activities)

Hi Guys!

I’m trying to make some custom activities, with custom design.
For now I have problem with number of ExpressionTextBoxes. I’m able to make only one of this…

This is code of ExpressionTextBox:

x:Name =“Step”
Expression=“{Binding ModelItem.PathToExcelFile, ConverterParameter=In, Converter={StaticResource ArgumentToExpressionConverter}, Mode=TwoWay}” OwnerActivity=“{Binding ModelItem}”
MinLines=“1” MaxLines=“1” MinWidth=“100”

Second thing is, it works only when i put in a string in “”. Even string variable is not working (in way from design to properties, opposit way works every time… When i copy this expression, the second text box is working only one way, i’m not able to send data from design to properties :frowning:

One more thing. Is it possible to use expressiontextbox with InOutArgument?

Maby you have some source to learn, or tutorial… I’m slowly giving up :(!!

Thank You for Your help!


Hii andrusek,
I am trying to get the input field in my activity…Can you share your code how you are creating activity like this…?
