Creating a test case for a simple workflow

I an new to UiPath studio, and learning business flows through my company next to my training, I want to create a testcase, that goes on our company frontpage and looks for login applets is visible.

what could be good to use as activities, and error logging?

for the website, you could use open browser, to click you can simply use a click activity.

To check whether the login applet is visible you should use the image exists activity as a boolean for whether it has appeared.

You could use a try catch for error logging or use a log message


Follow below steps to create a simple workflow:

  1. For Opening browser use open browser activity
  2. To login-icon use click activity
  3. For clicking the login page on login screen use click activity
  4. To check login applet is visible use element exist activity if exists the use check activity
  5. For clicking on next pane use click activity
  6. To check login applet is visible use element exist activity if exists the use check activity


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