How to check we are login into the expected URL

I have to login into the ACME System1 page login, i have to check whether I am login into the correct page if I am on the correct page the i will write code for login into that system otherwise i have to throw business exception .How i can do this can anyboday help me with this?

After entering the credentials and click on the submit button, use the element exists activity of the dashboard page and check if that exists or not based on that you can throw the exception.

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HI @Sandhya_Gajare

Use Element Exist activity and check whether your are in the correct page.

If not, Use Throw activity → New BusinessRuleException("Login issue")


how i can check before login whether i am on right page or not

Hi @Sandhya_Gajare

You can try with Send Hotkey activity → pageup

Check out the XAML file

ElementExist.xaml (13.0 KB)


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Hi @Sandhya_Gajare, you can have Element Exists activity before login and this way you can check whether you are on right page or not

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