CREATE INDEX Statement Failed Because A Columnstore Index Cannot Be Created In This Edition Of SQL Server

Why does Orchestrator upgrade or installation fail with error "CREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created in this edition of SQL Server" .

Issue Description: During the Upgrade/Installation of Orchestrator, Installer will toss error "CREATE INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created in this edition of SQL Server"


  1. Check if Insights is enabled during the Installation/Upgrade of the Orchestrator
  1. Check the Version & Type(Enterprise, Business Intelligence, Standard, etc.) of the SQL Server being used - Orchestrator Software Requirements .

Resolution: If considering installing Insights(,

  • Make sure that the database supports both columnstore indexes and JSON functions
  • If using a SQL Server version older than 2016, then make sure to use the Enterprise Version. SQL Server Standard edition does not support columnstore indexes. From the version comparison.
  • SQL Server 2016 with Service Pack 1 now allows columnstore indexes to be created across all editions. See Editions And Supported Features Of SQL Server 2016 for further details.

If not considering installing insights:

  1. Cancel the error pop-up
  2. Go back to previous windows from the installer
  3. Disable Insights Product Feature option and proceed with the installation.