Create an alert when a queue item is >26 minutes old

Hi community,

I would like to create an email alert when the following conditions occur for a queue item:

  1. Status = New or Status = In Progress
  2. Started time > 26 minutes ago

Ideally, the UiPath standalone orchestrator would send a webhook to an HTTPS endpoint that I specify. I would then generate an email alert using the transaction information such as the reference number, time started, machine/robot, etc.

I have these constraints:

  1. I do not want the alert to be triggered from a UiPath robot, as the delay may be caused by a robot/VM/target app error
  2. I cannot use a third party to poll the orchestrator, as inbound HTTPS requests are disallowed by the firewall (outbound requests from the orchestrator are allowed).

Please let me know if you have any ideas.


In our company - we have created one process for orchestrator monitoring which is scheduled to run every defined interval

The main purpose of this process is to do a health check on our orchestrator which is designed to identify the above request as well but with the help of Orchestrator HTTP activity

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