Create a folder in sharepoint using uipath and upload the files in the Folder

Hi all,

I want to create the date folder and inside the date folder, I have to create another folder like the region’s name daily in sharepoint. after completing the folder I have to Upload the files in that SharePoint folder.

How do we proceed? kindly assist me


Folder structure should be

ProcessedPO(Default folder in sharepoint)–>DateFolder–>America


  1. Authenticate to SharePoint:
    Use the Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity to authenticate to your SharePoint site using the provided Application ID and Application Secret. need to install UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities package.
  2. Create Date Folder:
    Use the Create Folder activity within the Microsoft Office 365 Scope to create a folder with the current date. You can use the DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") function to get the current date in the desired format.
  3. Create Region Folder:
    Use the Create Folder activity within the Microsoft Office 365 Scope to create a subfolder inside the date folder. Use the region’s name to create this folder.
  4. Upload Files:
    Use the Upload File activity within the Microsoft Office 365 Scope to upload files to the previously created region folder. You will need to provide the source file path and the destination SharePoint folder path.

Can you provide the sample workflow process? it would be helpful to complete the task

After installing UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities package. you will see sharepoint and share drive activities in Activity panel, please use that activities to complete your task.