Couldn't find CV activity when downgraded the Studio version to 2019.10.4 Enterprise edition. Please suggest

Used Computer Vision activity in studio version 2020.6. Couldn’t find CV activity when downgraded the Studio version to 2019.10.4 Enterprise edition. Please suggest.
Requirement is to extract text from a RDP server.


did you check the UiAutomation pack version, maybe you have to install also the ComputerVision pack?
About the UIAutomation Activities Pack (

Regards, Gio

Thank you Gio, for your response.

Couldn’t find ComputerVision activity in Manage Packages to download.
Currently installed the following packages:

  1. UIAutomation.Activities of V19.4.2
  2. UiPath Vision V1.5.0
  3. System.Activities V19.4.1


I checked the versions and 2019.10.4 should be compatible with UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities 19.11.1, so you could upgrade this package to this version and there will be also the ComputerVision pack included.

2019.10.4 (

Should it help?

regards, Gio