Could not find type 'UiPath.Activities.LogMessage' in assembly 'UiPath.Activities'

Could not find type ‘UiPath.Activities.LogMessage’ in assembly ‘UiPath.Activities’.
Please, this link “Could not find type 'UiPath.Activities.LogMessage' in assembly 'UiPath.Activities'. Row: 1127, Column: 68” do not have solution for my issue.
Attached is the list of packages installed in my UIPath system manage pakages.


Welcome to the uipath community.

It is asking to update packages right. Once try to update and then check it.

As of v2018.3, the UiPath.Core.Activities package was split into the UIAutomation and System packs. I guess you should update the packages :wink:

Hi Laxman, bcorrea

Thanks for your help.
I tried to update the package, but update button is disabled and its showing version as 17.1.6682.8748.

Hi @pankaj.d.pawar

May i know which activity is causing this error?
Is this runtime error ?


Hi Arun,

Actually this is not a runtime error, as soon as i open the workflow then above mentioned error starts showing in output panel. Just because of this i am not able to even save my changes.

Thanks and regards
Pankaj Pawar

Hi All,

The issue is resolved.
Actually the problem was, newer version of log message which was called within an .xaml was throwing error as i was opening it in older version. Older version was not able to recognize it. So i have to replace it with simple log message. As i was not able to update the package.
To find out this exact issue, we can use notepad ++ which will show exactly at what line number the error is.(Open the main file in notepad++).
Hope this may help someone in future.

Thanks and Regards
Pankaj Pawar

Such error on workflow would appear because, your workflow has activity which you used a particular package.
Later, package version changed or uninstalled.
Becasue of this, that activity wont be lloaded and it throws error.
Find the activity thats causing this error. Seems smoe activity related to log as per your description.

If that activity is not required, delete it.

If its required, kindly re add it from the activities pane.

Thanks Arun,

I will mark this answer as solution as this will solve the issue.

Pankaj Pawar

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Glad that the issue is resolved. Happy Automation! @pankaj.d.pawar

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