Could not find the user-interface (UI) element for this action - Random issue

Hello all,

I have 3 robots that are scheduled to run multiple times per day. Lately the robots seem to be falling in a random manner with the error “Could not find the user-interface (UI) element for this action”. Well, nothing has changed in the UI and whenever I debug, the RPA works perfectly. Moreover, the same RPA fails for example at 2am but then it runs perfectly at 7am without any modification.

Any idea why I’m getting this issue? I can’t find an explanation and I’m driving crazy on this.

Thank you in advance,

Just thinkig out loud… Does your robot take screenshots when it fails in such matter? That could help to determine whether there’s an issue with the target application: as the issue appears randomly, maybe the target application might have an issue from time to time? Latency, delays, etc…

Hello @Irene , thanks for the input!

I actually refreshed the packages and the RPAs went back to normal. Still very strange they worked sometimes.

Thank you

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