copytoDataTable not working for LINQ query select menthod

hi guys

iam trying

when iam writing it , it doesnot show copytoDatatable, its only showing CopyTo

what should i do ?

to filter some data in datatable for that i used select query

Hi @Shoebmd

Can you please use any of the below ?

Thank you.

Hi @Shoebmd ,

There should be an IntelliPrompt for that Select Syntax as well, so You Could go ahead and finish the Expression and let us know if you get a Validation Exception. The Expression is valid as showed in the Image below, however the prompt may not appear sometimes.


You may need to edit or import Linq Namespace if there is a Validation Exception.

Try like this

Out_Dt = (
From row in Read_DT1
Where Cint(row(“Search Volume”).ToString)> 50
Select row


its giving this error always

how to do that plz tel me

You can follow the below Post on How to resolve it @Shoebmd

Let us know if you still face an Issue.

Can you try my above mentioned syntax
Where out_dt is variable type of datatable

thats not working

Can you share a snap of your flow

Hey @Shoebmd ,

Please check below thread.

1 Like

please see this

and let me know what to do to get desired result

Go to import panel

And import System.Linq then try again


Tried that but its showing same error

Can you share your flow with dummy data

Please find the attached xaml file
test24.xaml (5.2 KB)
It works fine and i also attached input & output excel with you
Output24.xlsx (7.1 KB)
test23.xlsx (8.2 KB)
Hope it solves your issue

Robin S