Facing problem with Filter Datatable Activity in uipath

Hi All,
Below is SampleDT
I want to filter all the data where value in Code1 != value in code 2 as OutputDT
I tried using filter DT activity and LinQ but unable to filter and getting all the rows in output.
I am using Uipath Studio 2018.4.3
Please help.

give a try on

(From d in YourDataTableVar.AsEnumerable
Where Not d("Code1").toString.Trim.Equals(d("Code2").toString.Trim)
Select d).CopyToDataTable

In case of empty filter results are to expect apply following pattern

I have already tried this linq. Its not doing any filter opernation on the datatable.

can you please do following
set a breakpoint within the flow after data was read in
debug to the Breakpoint
share the datatable content with us (locals panels, expand with click on pencil/magnifier) make screenshot from it


Hi @Anamika15

Please look at this method and let me know the result

Step 1 : Assign ResDT->(From ax in InputDT.AsEnumerable select ax.Item(“Code2”)).ToArray
Step 2 : Assign FinalDT->(From roww in InputDT where Not ResDT.Contains(roww.Item(“Code1”)) Select roww).CopyToDatatable()

Here ResDT is of type Object Array (Object) and FinalDT is of type DataTabe


Hi @Anamika15 Try this way

  1. Read the excel file and store in dt1 variable

  2. use the following linq query to get the required result

    Dt3 = dt1.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row(“Code1”).ToString<>row(“Code2”).ToString).CopyToDataTable

  3. Write the resultant Dt3 to an excel file

I tried the code with two sample excel sheets as like below

Result i got is image (via output datatable activity i output the datatable in string format to demonstrate the result)

excel.zip (39.0 KB)

Hope it helps you


Nived N
Happy Automation

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