Copying text from excel into the word template worked for me However, I tried to do the same using a browser page to copy the text, but this did not work for m

Copying text from excel into the word template worked for me However, I tried to do the same using a browser page to copy the text, but this did not work for me - is this possible and will be covered in the coming weeks? Or did i do something wrong?

Also, in the resume example we saw, only one row of data was being copied over to the template. How could this be done if we have multiple rows in the spreadhseet?

Thank you.

in the picture you only added the app card that opens the browser, you also need to use “get text” inside the app card to copy the text from the site, saved it for later and use the value in the append text

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Ah, of course! Thank you so much, it worked now.

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