Copy Row, Paste Row, Remove Row, Move Row, how to do all this stuff in Uipath?

Hi Guys,

I want to perform very “simple” stuff in UiPATH with excel like :

  1. Copy a row and paste it into another sheet to the next available row to not overwrite any existing data

  2. Then remove the row from the initial sheet to not have an empty line.

My project is basically creating a funnel within excel going through multiple sheets without losing any data row but just moving them around further into the funnel.

I am using workbook and not excel application scope, and workbook seems to have even less excel functionalities.

Can these actions be created easily in workbook or is it advanced stuff ?

Any help to concretize this excel funnel project of mine would be much appreciated.

Thank you


Hi @kaiji_San ,
Go through this uipath docs you will have a better understanding.

Thanks & Regards,
Shubham Dutta

Hello @kaiji_San ,

Go through the excel training available in the UiPath academy, here you will get more clearification.


Thank you for the knowledge material but those activities only works with excel application scope and not workbook
