Copy/Paste Not working from Vmware client to local Machine

Hi, I got a process where I need to copy pdf files from Vmware client to local machine from a drive and then I extract data from docs using Document Understanding. Since there is some restriction in the client environment drive we are not supposed to install any application on Vmware and no access for drive as well , So the way of copy/pasting is just sending Hotkey like we do manually(ctrl+c - to copy files from Vmware and in local machine we just pass hotkey ctrl+v). This method is working fyn, but sometimes copy /pasting is not working without throwing any error popup,
If anyone encountered the same kind of issue please acknowledge me with the actions which i can do to overcome this issue. - Thanks in Advance


Follow this:

Ensure that the data is being correctly copied to the clipboard in the VMware client. Sometimes, issues can arise if the clipboard contents get overwritten or are not available to paste.
VMware has clipboard sharing settings. Ensure that clipboard sharing is enabled in your VM’s settings. You can check this by going to VM Settings Options tab Guest Isolation and making sure Enable the Copy and Paste feature" is selected.

Verify that your hotkey configuration is consistent and is using the correct keys (Ctrl+C for copy and Ctrl+V for paste). Sometimes, small variations in keypresses can cause issues.
If Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V aren’t working consistently, you might try using alternative hotkey combinations. For example, you can use Ctrl+Insert to copy and Shift+Insert to paste, or other combinations that work better within your VMware environment.



To overcome intermittent copy/paste issues between VMware and the local machine when using hotkeys, try using a clipboard manager or a third-party file transfer tool that operates within the VMware environment without the need for installation.


Hi @sai_gupta , Thanks for your reply . Can you please eloborate little more if you don’t mind. like about the tool name you are suggesting. It will be useful for me. - Thanks

Don’t you have a shared drive that can be accessed by the VM and the robot server so you could use the normal Move File activity?