Copy Formula to new excel…formula will not update to new excel

I am copying two formulas in excel1 as FormulaY and FormulaZ. I then need to copy each one of these into column Y and Column Z for each row in the new excel. I can get them to copy but they are retaining the formula from the original excel1 and not updating for the new rows.
Any suggestions?


You can read this cell formula using READ CELL FORMULA activity and you can use them in your new excel

Cheers @karen.c.stewart4.civ

@karen.c.stewart4.civ May I know what are the activities that you are using to achieve this

Thank you. That is what I did. I used ReadCellFormula to copy the formula. Then I used a Write Cell inside a For Each Loop to write to the cell in each row. The problem is that when it writes the formula into the cell, it is not changing it to meet the cell like excel does. Ex. =$A2 = “Fun”. If I put that in row 3 it would change to $A3 = “Fun”. And row 4 would be $A4 = “Fun”.
Does that make sense?

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When read with that activity it gets saved as a string and while writing back to excel it’s the same again

So once after reading do a slight change to the formula according to the cell where you are going to place in new excel

And then use write cell activity where pass that modified string as formula

Let us know if you are facing any further issues

Cheers @karen.c.stewart4.civ

Right now I am copying a formula from worksheet1 with the READ CELL FORMULA activity. Let’s say that that cell is a formula $A2+1. When I copy that formula it becomes a string, so in my new worksheet I have to write “=”+variable to allow it to become a formula in the new worksheet. But when I paste, it pastes =$A2+1 in every field and does not adjust for the row. When I paste it in row 3 I need it to say =$A3+1.
Is this possible? @Palaniyappan how do you suggest I make a change to the formula? I didn’t quite understand that.
Thank you!