I’m trying to copy data from a word/pdf file to excel sheet. But the copied data comes like this(please see the screen shot). Can you please help me in this.
I’m trying to copy data from a word/pdf file to excel sheet. But the copied data comes like this(please see the screen shot). Can you please help me in this.
I’m using copy file activity to copy the data.
have you tried using screen scraping method?
Yes. But in screen scrapping the output is in text format which is unable to copy to a excel sheet. Can you please look in to this?/
copy file
is used to copy the same file from one location to another. Here you’re copying word/pdf to another location with a different extension which corrupts the file contents.
Is there is any other way to copy data from word/pdf to excel??
i depends on how you want the data copied. One simple way would be by using clipboards. Basically ctrl+c from word and ctrl+v in excel. that method works for your requirement?
Main.xaml (13.5 KB)
I tried. But again I’m getting the same error.
please help.
why have you used monitor and triggers?
try this test3.zip (30.0 KB)
But this method have one drawback. I’ve more than 100 word files to copy to excel sheet.
then you should’t do it this way. You could instead use a VBA macro to covert the files
this should help you get started Macro to export MS Word tables to Excel sheets
Please try to use "Send Hotkey method "and save it to .txt file or word file.
Let me know whether it works or not.
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