Converting pdf to excel

Other than scraping.

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Hi @varunk,

Use read pdf text activity to read the content and using write cell activity to write it into excel file.

Using start process activity open the PDF file and using send hot key copy the content from pdf file.
Using excel application scope paste it into excel file using send hot key.


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using pdf text activity also not working.

Hi @varunk ,

find the xaml file its simple Main.xaml (4.6 KB)

Here data is mismatching while converting pdf to excel.

Hi @varunk,

could you share your xaml file

its not uploading getting error

Some pdf files are not suppose to support with scrapping & all.Give a solution for this
I have a pdf file & I need to convert that into excel.

Hi @varunk
Do you have Adobe Reader Pdf installed in your system???

Ashwin S

No bro

Hi @varunk
Ensure that you have installed in your system and after that use Read PDF text with OCR activity to scrap and write the values in the excel…:slight_smile:
Because certain pdf files do not support while using Read PDF text with OCR activity

Ashwin S

Hi @AshwinS2
I already tried but this way also its not coming

Hi, Varunk
I hope my advice could be useful for you. I prefer the easiest ways for solving any problems. And when I need to convert PDF file into Excel format I always use a tool on I haven’t had any issues with it.

Hi @MarieBlur,

But In projects data is confidential we can’t prefer online converting

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Oh, I’m sorry. Thought my advice could help you.

Hey bro, Can you send me the xaml file ?