Copy Excel Cells to image have different behavior if using robot

I need to copy selected excel cells to clipboard and paste it somehere else like paint, whatsapp web, etc.
if i do it manually, the table from excel that I copied becomes image when I paste it.

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I tried using balareva activity to copy the range to clipboard and the ctrl + v to whatsapp web for testing, but it becomes text as if a datatable.tostring

I also tried changing the copy cells method by doing it using send hotkey and ctrl + C directly on the opened excel scope.

but still, the value copied is a raw datatable instead and can’t become image when I paste it.

any solution or answer why it has different behaviour?

Hi @ibnu.alem ,

Could you let us know if you want the Excel Table data to be an Image (Not Editable) and then paste it to an Application or Do you want the Table data format as is when pasting the data into the application ?

Could you maybe also show us with an Example with the Help of Screenshots what exactly is the requirement if possible ?

thanks for your response,
The output I need is the image of the table, either I paste it directly to an application or save it first.

if I select the table manually like this and copy it

the result when I paste it on whatsapp web (for test) become image like this

but when I do it with robot, the result become text like this

then how do I acquire the image like i did manually?

@ibnu.alem ,

Could you maybe check whether below component would ease your situation. The activity converts the range to Image, you would then require to upload it to the Application.

it works!, thanks for your solution

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