Hi team,
how can we convert output of “get transaction item” which is of type UiPath.core.queueitem into dictionary
Hi team,
how can we convert output of “get transaction item” which is of type UiPath.core.queueitem into dictionary
@som17 Check this Post :
it didn’t work
@som17 What have you tried ? Can you show using Screenshots?
dict_QueueItems = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, String))(item.SpecificContent(“Data”).ToString)
Maybe the post is old but we did it the following:
from dict_name dicitonary<string,string> to in_transactionitem.specificcontent.todictionary(function(x) x.key, function(v) v.value.tostring())
Old Topic but if you want to assign the queueitem values to a Dictionary (String, Object) you can just do it like this:
Save to: dictionary_TransactionInformation
Value to save: queueitem_TransactionItem.SpecificContent
Works because .SpecificContent returns a Dictionary(String, Object)
All you need to do is assign this to a dictionary variable