Connection to Apps service is lost

Hi Guys,

I have a problem with all my uipath apps since this morning I have been getting this error and I cannot start any processes from the app. I’m using the UiPath cloud services. I didn’t change anything in the orchestrator settings.

Any idea what i’m doing wrong?

Hi Androj,
Welcome to UiPath community forum,

This issue happened with me and I resolved it by signing out of UiPath Assistant also from UiPath Studio then logging back in Studio, refreshing the Assistant and signing back in orchestrator portal
Hope this works for u too


Thanks SHAF_MAIRAJ,I tried your method yesterday but the problem persisted.
Today the problem is gone, I suppose there was some issue in my org.

Thaks anyway. :slight_smile:

Your very welcome buddy
Mv glad the error is gone

Happy Automation
