Hello guys. So i’ve been stuck with this problem for quite a while now. Basically I am testing my grounds with different connections. So far I’ve established ODBC and Ole DB connections to my SQL server, but none of these seem to support "bulk insert’’ activity and its really needed for my future projects. So for now I am trying to connect directly to the MS SQL server with data provider as ‘.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server’, but keep getting an error which is “INVALID VALUE FOR KEY ‘ENCRYPT’”. It appears when I input the server name, authentication and press test connection button or advanced button. The thing is, that database names do not work either - they do not pop up, even tho the server name and the authentication is I believe correct, because they worked when i tried to connect via OLE DB and ODBC.
Also, I used the same server name and authentication in UiPath when connecting using SSMS.
EDIT: Connection string doesn’t form either, when I input the server name, user name and password, press ok, i get the automatic connection string as ""
Can anyone help me with this problem?Or is there a way to use bulk insert using ODBC?