hi i’m trying to send the pdf documents via email from the details in the config file
every this is fine till now but when created the smtp and this error occured in the body
Check the config is declared, check the arguments are passing correctly
Check the variable scope is correct
Hope this helps you
check you have the value present
before send SMTP mail you can place a message box and write email(“Email”).ToString, which is giving null, so check that
Check the column Name matches to the data table or not
Hope this helps you
yes i’m getting the mail to the message box
this is my To email address
Can you place the message box inside the for each above to the send SMTP mail message activity
Also pass the value of the email in a string, like hardcode that and test if you are facing the same issue
Hope this helps you
yeah able to send the mails but they going from the different from recepient
Okay, if you are able to send while hardcoded, then pass your argument correctly
So that you can able to get the value instead of null
Hope this helps you
can you explain little bit more clear
Can you share your workflow where you facing the issue
so that i will try to fix that
this is my outlook activity
while sending the mail to address is correct but thr from address in the mail is different i have not mentioned that address anywhere in the workflow
check below
In TO you wrote path doesnot exist instead of email id
May i know is that a variable?
Hope this helps you
yes that is a variable …if the excel for the email is not avaible then it goes else if not it should process in the then
Can you debug and share which send Mail message is error out again?
Previous image you didn’t have any If condition
there is no any error and the sequence is getting executed but the mails are going from different from rec …i wanted to know why is this hapenning
How many accounts you have in your outlook application?
If you have multiple then you can give specific account as below
Hope this helps you
Main.xaml (16.2 KB) this is the flow
I didn’t see any issue with the workflow
but mails are going different from rec(what this means),
If you could share a screenshot of the mail, then may be i understand