Condition is not working properly

I need to check two excel files, here i am using if condition activity or flow decision activity. but it’s not working properly if satisfy true, it always goes to the false side.
Kindly suggest some solution.

Thank U.


Can you ping me your condition or the XAML File

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Hi buddy @Kalees9486
Kindly provide the if condition you used buddy

row(1).ToString.Trim = row1(6).ToString.Trim
Incase I assign some values like yes or no in, if and else condition, it will always lead to else part. @Palaniyappan @Vijay_Tulsalkar

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Buddy kindly check the column index once buddy
your condition looks correct may be if you want we can put like

Cheers @Kalees9486


Did you check for the case sensitivity ? like row(1).ToString.Trim.tolower = row1(6).ToString.Trim. tolower

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Yeah, i checked.its correct only

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its same only

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Before checking condition try to print those values and see.

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Fine buddy @Kalees9486
is there any hidden column or filter applied to that column
kindly check once with the value by printing them with WRITE LINE ACTIVITY buddy inside both of the for each row loop and check the length of each string from the row buddy
Cheers @Kalees9486

Yeah, that also i checked and printed.i got the correct output as i expected. but i am writing the same output in excel it appends wrong value.

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No hidden or filtered columns.its like normal excel only. @Palaniyappan

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check whether the number of columns are same buddy
in both the tables as you are using append range activity @Kalees9486


If possible could you please create some sample data with that original files and share with me.Will check and update you.

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Share your XAML and files .

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Ok,but if excel columns are not in same, then how will i get correct output n Uipath console?

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Flowchart.xaml (36.0 KB)


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I did not find any IF condition in your workflow.

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In flow decision buddy @lakshman

i think we need to check with the data…workflow looks good
i mean what was the error you were facing actually buddy, you said condition is not matching
is wrong is entered after mismatch or no data is entered to the datatable after the validation
Cheers @Kalees9486