Computer vision server response error

Hi folks

Anybody getting this error using cv screen scope?


kindly check whether there is internet connection before using CV activity
hope this would help you

Cheers @ganesh_rajan

Friday it was worked.I’m getting this error today only

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kindly check once with the internet connection or disable the Antivirus if any blocking or disable the whitelist made if any by Firewall
restart your machine and try once

Cheers @ganesh_rajan


if you are using platform from the uipath community then check your vpn and refresh the api key from your default service account and try again.

Get back if you still have issues. also try to update your UiAutomation activities to 19.8 - ce and update MS vision and uninstall and reinstall the CV activities/packages.


is this correct server link?

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ok i will check

buddy…Need your help.can you check on your machine?.

Yah correct
Cheers @ganesh_rajan

are you able to do cv activity on your machine?

actually it’s showing alpha version packages.

Yeah, alpha should be fine. install that but before that uninstall CV package also. Get back to me with the results :slight_smile:


Yah that would be fine
Get the api from orchestrator under license tab and mention in the api key of cv scope and try pls
Cheers @ganesh_rajan

thank you’s fixed

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