Why to encounter an error when trying to manually load an image file into Podman, and how to fix it?
Issue Description:
Users may encounter an error when attempting to manually load an image file into Podman; such as when trying to deploy the Computer Vision server. The error message is as follows:
Error: payload does not match any of the supported image formats: * oci: initializing source oci:controls_detection.tar:: open controls_detection.tar/index.json: not a directory * oci-archive: creating temp directory: untarring file "/var/tmp/ociXXXXXX"
Resolution: Follow these steps:
- Check Disk Usage: First, check the current disk usage of the /var/tmp directory to confirm that it is indeed a space issue. You can use the command below to view the available space:
df -h /var/tmp
- Clean Up Space: If the disk space is indeed full or nearly full, proceed to clean up the /var/tmp directory. This can involve deleting unnecessary or temporary files within /var/tmp. Use caution to ensure that you do not delete system-critical files. The command can be used to clear the directory, but it should be used with caution:
sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/*
- Retry Loading the Image: After freeing up space, retry the image loading process in Podman. Ensure that the command is executed correctly, with sudo level permissions, and the image file path is accurate.
By following these steps, users should be able to successfully load image files into Podman without encountering the aforementioned error. However, if the error persists, raise a case with UiPath Support for further assistance.