sencond data table as
Date Num Code1
12/02/2019 12345 423
12/03/2019 12346 423
12/04/2019 12347 425
Based on this Matching condition EmpDate<=Date and EmpNum=Num and Code=Code1 Based on this condition I have to add second data table record to data Table as output like wise I have to do for all records
Note:Here First data table first record has to compare with all the records of second data table as per above condition and based on successful match I have to get secondDatatable record to datatable…Can I expect Invoke code for this why I am going invoke is because my data table having huge data
Have you tried the join data table activity? You can specify all the conditions you have in it to get the matching records. I believe that will work for you
Hi @Prad,
Do you want to loop through the data tables like 1 record through all the records of other data table?
Then we can use 2 for loops nested for this scenario.
With the join, I also added few activities to remove the data columns of the first data table. I’m also attaching the excel file I used to do this. It includes the same dataset you mentioned in your first post. For me, date works fine.
Code working and even its huge data …really thank you…But if the first table EmpDate 12/03/2019 and second table date 13/03/2019 EmpDate<=Date condition not satisfying …