Compare two columns vlaue


I want to check that how many Case ID is missing compare to User ID?

Column A = User ID
Column X = Case ID

I need to first count how many User exist in the excel means in Column A.
Then I want to check that how many Case ID exist in Column X.
But I want to use the ColumnName(“User ID”) to find the result.

So that I can figur out, if i need to run my flow again to register the case in system to get case id.

hope someone can help.

Main.xaml (10.9 KB)

Please Find solution in attached file and let me know if any Problem.

excel.xlsx (9.3 KB)

This excel File is i m using

You can modify acc to you

hI Sager,

the logic is correct but its running each row each time and give wrong answer.
1st time it says right answer but second time it says 2 user have no case id. which is wrong.

Can you share me dummy excel for both case input excel and output excel that you want

CompareExcelColumn.xaml (13.3 KB) CompareExcelColumn.xlsx (8.9 KB)

The answer I expected and it has to say 1 case is not presented in user id. just that…

right now your solution is showing this answer…

And I expected only answer on 1st line…
Remember it should check that now may user Id is filled like last row is not filled with USer id so i should not count that row…
So excel is the answer should be 1 case id has no presented on user id.

I didn’t understand . Can we connect So that I can understand what’s actual logic then only i can help you

Check the Excel file I have uploded.

Excel file have only 2 user id and only 1 user has case id.
So the result should be 1 user id have no case id and script should end.

But your solution is showing wrong answer.

can you help ?

ping me on my mail