I’m getting using my transaction data using In_transactionItem E.G -in_transactionitem(“Part No”).ToString (using datarow based RE framework).I need to compare with datatable row variable EG - RowDt(“Part No”).ToString from a different excel. as well as the date column RowDt(“Date”).ToString to previous day value.
I’m using condition
if: in_transactionitem(“Part No”).ToString.equals (RowDt(“Part No”).ToString) And now.AddDays(-1).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”).equals (RowDt(“Date”).ToString)
But the condition is not being met despite assuring that the right values are taken via Locals Panel.
Kindly please help if you can provide how to make the right comparison.
Thank You.
Hello, @Yugal_Raju - Can you check the below points
→ Keep message boxes before the condition and try to print RowDt(“Date”).ToString, RowDt(“Part No”).ToString and see what it is giving
→ Instead of giving column names try giving the column index of data row variable