I am new to studio
SCENARIO: I have a 100 rows and 13 columns in a data table. How can i check the values of row 1 and 2 or row 7 and 8 as an example to see if they contain the same value?
If they do contain the same value, check to see if they contain the same amount in column 5. One row will have a negative and the other row will have a positive but it will be the same figure.
Split the rows that have a negative value in one data table and those with positive in another.
Welcome to the community
can you please elaborate…is it like you need to check the first and lat row are same and so on?
or get the similar rows and check for negative and positive
In general it looks like a Group By Case
Where we can group the data by Col13 and later Process Split the Group Members
We would also recommend to specify
- when not the pos/neg pair is found
- like in your ABC case more neg as pos members
Thanks for responding.
I’d like to check for similar rows based on column 13 then only keep the rows that have the negative value in column 5
So that would be the 3 rows with ABC but I’d only keep the 2 rows with the -4000
Same with the rows that have A34, I only want to end up with the row that has -70000
I hope this is a little clearer.
Thank you. I will try this.
Edit: Added CDBL inside Math.ABS
try this in assign
Positive values dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(function(x) x(12).ToString + Math.abs(CDBL(x(4).ToString)).ToString).Where(function(x) x.Count>1).SelectMany(function(x) x).Where(function(x) CDBL(x(4).Tostring)>0).CopyToDatatable
negatice values dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(function(x) x(12).ToString + Math.abs(CDBL(x(4).ToString)).ToString).Where(function(x) x.Count>1).SelectMany(function(x) x).Where(function(x) CDBL(x(4).Tostring)<0).CopyToDatatable
I am getting the error below
"Argument ‘Value’:BC30518:Overload resolution failed because no accessible ‘abs’ can be called with these arguments
Could you shed some more light on what your suggested line does?
This worked! Thank you!
I would like to fully understand this as a newbie if you can help in any way.
Glad it worked
Let me break it down
This converts datatable to Enumerable or kind of list of datarows
GroupBy(function(x) x(12).ToString + Math.abs(CDBL(x(4).ToString)).ToString)
This is to group the datarows with column 13 and absolute value of column 5(When I say absolute considering the value without positive or negative)
.Where(function(x) x.Count>1)
From the grouped rows consider only those rows where more than one row is present in the group
.SelectMany(function(x) x)
From the filtered groups select all the rows again
.Where(function(x) CDBL(x(4).Tostring)>0).CopyToDatatable
From all the rows obtain the Positive Column 5 Rows and create a datatable
Similarly for negative
Hope this helps
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