Click on same position text but different word text

Hey guys, I would like to make dynamic selector which is the bot click on “Fulltext View” from no 1 to no 2. However, the bot cannot detect no 2 as the title (Blue arrow) is change. Can refer attachment below. How do I make the bot can click no 1 and no 2 even the text is changed.


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you can check for other selector for no 2 by checking in UI Explorer by excluding the dynamic text
Can you share the screenshot of selector for no 1 and no 2 from UI Explorer.


I did exclude some attribute but then the bot select no 1 only.

for no 2 can you include href in the selector and try again
Also can you check if the href values changes or not for different dynamic values in no1 & no 2

Hi @Aldrin_Pro,

Can you try F3 button while Indicating OnScreen and try to select the region you want to Click on.


I include href, it works on first title, once the title change, the selector stop working. The href values change for no 2. No 1 works without href.

Can you use UI Explorer to get the selectors available for No1 and No 2 & share the screenshot.
the above one looks like you have attached the selector via Activity ->Properties