Click not working in unattended

Hello Everyone,

Click activity is working fine in attended mode but not in unattended mode, throwing “Timeout reached” error.


Can anyone suggest on this please.

Sandhiya P

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Check the selector used in the “Click” activity. Ensure that the selector is accurate and robust enough to identify the target element. In unattended mode, the UI elements might be displayed differently or have different attributes than in attended mode.
Adjust the timeout settings of the “Click” activity. You can increase the timeout values to allow more time for the robot to find and interact with the UI element. In unattended mode, systems may have slower response times.
If the “Simulate Click” property is not enabled, try enabling it. Simulated clicks often work more reliably in unattended automation scenarios.
Add logging and debugging activities to your workflow to capture more information about the error

can you set “wait for page load” or “wait for ready” to complete and increase the timeout and check it.
check the selector of “Click” activity.

hi @Gayathri_Mk

follow this steps:

  1. print the resolution in attended mode
  2. print the resolution in unattended mode
  3. compare between them
  4. if there is a deferent this is your problem and you have to change the resolution in unattended from settings


Actually start button click automatically, as it hiding the web screen, how to avoid this.

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