Hello there! I’m trying to do a bot too make advertisement on a platform that I use. The issue is that I need the robot to click in the client that he just created with a spreadsheet in the platform, but every time it will ‘click’ in a different name. This error is logging: “message”: "Click ‘Pesquisar clientes’: The graphical interface element for this action could not be found. How can I do it to click always in the name that he just created and is saved as a variable “NOME”?
Hello @Carvalho_Vini
Kindly refer to this post you may get some Idea
(post deleted by author)
Hello! I did’nt got it actually, is there a way that I can just do it to click in a certain place of the scream or just click when read the same word as the variable “NOME” using the activities? Thanks again!
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