Click Activity fails when there are 2 lines in the Hyperlink inside webpage, however the same selector works fine with single line hyperlink text

My selector selects all the countries like
Poland, France whichever is there in online
But not selecting “Austria, Czech Rep., Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia,”
Here is my selector

SearchText is the Variable in which country names are passed

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Hey @u322805

Is the text and it’s format exactly same as in the screen ?


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@Nithinkrishna yes I checked it several times it is the same … it works for all the countries in single line

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Hey @u322805

Could you please show me a selector for the hyperlink with multi line text & also the dynamic selector(after it is getting formed) which you are forming you can just print it and show here please for troubleshooting.


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In this Selector Search Text is the variable where CountryName is assigned

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Yep, I want to see the selector once you have some value assigned to a variable.

Just print the selector with the value assigned to the variable in the code.

And also just indicate the multiline hyperlink directly using UI Explorer and show the selector for that please…


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This is the value of the variable @Nithinkrishna
SearchText = “Austria, Czech Rep., Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia,”

Thanks for helping

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Could you please now indicate the multiline hyperlink on the screen and show me the selector please from UI Explorer.


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@Nithinkrishna This is it


html app=‘msedge.exe’ title=‘Web - Shipment search’ />
webctrl aaname='Austria, Czech Rep., Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, ’ parentid=‘srd’ tag=‘A’ />

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Hey @u322805

As expected I think you are missing a space at the end in your string variable value which is causing the click to fail…

Also I can see the window title is different in your dynamic selector compared to UiExplorer…

Kindly check.


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