Classic to modern folder migration | Set Asset: You are not authorized! Error code: 0

Hi Team,

I tried to execute the classic to modern folder migration wizard in orchestrator (with one attended robot and an unattended robot.
Migration was successfull. However when I am trying to execute a process (which has Set asset activity in it), it is failing with the error message :

'Set Asset: You are not authorized! Error code: 0

As per UiPath documentation, the attended/unattended robot will be mapped to accounts with roles : Allow to be Automation User/Automation User.
But as per Set Asset activity, it gets executed on the only accounts with robot role with Edit permission on Assets.


I tried chngig the role of these accounts from Automation User/Automation User to Robot role in the Manage Access page(manage-access/assign-roles).

Still I am getting the same error.
Could you please help.


As per this thread you need to update your system activities to latest. Can you give that a try

The current version of system.activities and the robot version is 2022.10.
If i upgrade system.activities to 2023/2024, there will be compatibitlity issues right?

@aravindbalineni123 I ran the job after upgrading system.Activities to 2023 version. Still the same error:
Set Asset: You are not authorized! Error code: 0

Are using an on prem Orchestrator instance?

Do other asset activities also fail? Such as Get Asset?

Yes, I am using On-premise orchestrator.
Get asset activity is successful.
The only issue i faced so far is with Set asset activity.


Please go to orchestrator → trnant-> manage access-> roles → create a role and assign write on assets…

Now go to orchestrator → tenant-> manage access-> search the robot use and then assign the role you just created

Hope this helps


Hi all,

I checked the issue with UiPath support.

  • After migration, all the unattended robot accounts get assigned the Automation User folder-level role and the Allow to be Automation User tenant-level role. However, the automation user folder level role doesn’t have the privilege to edit access for assets because of the privilege the set asset failed with an authentication error.
    Note:- In Classic folder, unattended robot has “Robot” role.
    So after the migration to modern folder, we have to explicitly unassign the role of the user and assign Robot role in folder level (Tenant->Folder). (@Anil_G Even if we assign the Robot role to the account in Manage access page, it wont reflect. We have re-assign it in folder level)

Was gonna be my next suggestion.

With on Prem, the security certificate can expire which can cause this error, but it affects all asset activities, both get and set. If only Set was affected the logical conclusion is indeed that the role doesnt have the correct permission.


Agreed with you …so asked to create a role with set asset and assign it…as the error duggests…

Glad ypu were able to resolve


we have to unassign the existing role in folder level and then add the new role with releavant permissions in the folder level (not in manage access page)

Thankyou all for your suggestions :slight_smile:
@Anil_G @Jon_Smith @aravindbalineni123


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