CI/CD With GitHub Actions


I’m trying to set up the CI/CD using GitHub Actions.
I saw what was done with Azure Devops on this topic: CI/CD in the context of RPA

Do people here have any experience with GitHub Actions?
Do you have any feedback for me on this topic?

Thanks in advance,


Hi @Julien_Flamen ,

You can absolutely use the GitHub Actions for the CD from the repository to the orchestrator.
what exactly you are looking for.

Sukesh V

Hi Sukesh,

Do we have any sample .yml file that can initiate the BOT runner on ubuntu_latest and then connect to orchestrator and push the file package for using GitHub Actions?

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Did any of you find any solution to this? I would be very interested in setting up something like this too.

I believe the UiPath CLI could be of use in this case:

Though I have not found much documentation for the CLI or managed to get my Github Action Runners to setup the UiPath CLI automatically. So far I have just been able to successfully run an autoversioning pack command with the CLI, noted in this topic:

Hi @Julien_Flamen - I have a sample that is available here, which uses the UiPath CLI and GitHub Actions to Build/Deploy a project to orchestrator.

Using the CLI, many required functions are available:

  app        Install or uninstall UiPath Studio or Orchestrator unattended.
  asset      Manage Orchestrator assets.
  job        Run jobs on Orchestrator.
  machine    Manage Orchestrator machines.
  package    Analyze, build, deploy or delete packages.
  process    Manage Orchestrator processes.
  robot      Manage Orchestrator robots.
  run        Run the tool using arguments specified in a JSON file.
  test       Run tests on Orchestrator.
  help       Display more information on a specific command.
  version    Display version information.

For others that are not available there (the steps required to create test set, for example) can be accomplished via API calls to the orchestrator (Typically I’ll reach for Powershell in these cases)


I got inspired by your sample and built a few actions. So far I have functioning actions for setting up the CLI and analyzing/packing. So far no luck on the deploy action and I’m also missing implementation of authorization towards Orchestrator for the analyze/pack actions.

The repositories for each action can be found here:



If anyone here feels like contributing on this, feel free to message me here :slight_smile:

Just thought I’d make a quick update on those repositories, I’ve continued the project mentioned in my previous post here:

GitHub Actions for setting up the UiPath CLI, validating UiPath projects within a repository and packing to .nupkg packages along with deploying to Orchestrator should now be functional for setups where basic authentication towards the Orchestrator is applicable.

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Thanks for sharing details.

I have just completed working with GitHub Actions.


  1. Development workflow for build test and publish on development branch using Non Prod Orch.

  2. Create pull request for master branch.

  3. On merge publish code to PRD Orch.

You can read details here

Workflow code

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