CI/CD projects from uipath studio source controller

Hi All,

Our team is working on automating the project deployment and code migration from one environment to another environment. So anyone can help us regarding to the below questions?

  1. UIPath claims to support both TFS and SVN as source controllers, are these source controllers just for storing the source code are we can build and publish the code from these source controllers?
  2. If we cant build and publish, can anyone tell what the dependency dll files we can refer used for creating the nuget package when we click on publish button from studio?
  3. Is there any other ways to make the nuget package like UIPath studio creates when we click on publish?

Thank you for your help in advance.


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  1. UiPath claims to support both TFS and SVN as source controllers, are these source controllers just for storing the source code are we can build and publish the code from these source controllers?

TFS / SVN are to be used to centralize source management, and only meant for Studio access.

  1. If we cant build and publish, can anyone tell what the dependency dll files we can refer used for creating the nuget package when we click on publish button from studio?

Please grab a nupkg that was built from Studio to see its insides.
nupkg are basically special zip files, but you can also use appropriate tools such as NuGetPackageExplorer available from the Windows Store.

  1. Is there any other ways to make the nuget package like UiPath studio creates when we click on publish?

To create an appropriate package from outside Studio, I would advise you learn about nuspec files, and how the nuget.exe “pack” command works.

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Hi Siddartha, can we integrate uipath with tfs and do publish and build the code and can we do CICD of UIPath.

Please reply…thanks in Advance

Hi Pradeep,

Yes, we can integrate UiPath with TFS(follow the link “About Version Control” ), build and deploy the code. we are in process of learning it and will provide the information if we are 100% successful with it.


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Any O/P of CICD ? @siddu509

@kanjal i wana know you got any idea on how CI CD with GIT is done with Uipath .

@Pradeep12 You can integrate TFS with the UiPath tool. I have done that in my past experience.

Hi siddu , where you able to publish the code in CI/Cd pipeline ? need your inputs on this

Hi Guys,

Have you tried Jenkins and its plugins. It works for me to build CI/CD pipeline.

Hi Vinnu

are You using the Freestyle Job to Package and deploy or Pipeline script ?

The plugin works fine for me with the Freestyle project but have issues if i put it in the pipeline script

It works for both Freestyle job and Pipeline script

I am having this issue , whatever the Package path i give it to it , it is always finding the package in the temp folder of the same job. It is not uploading the package from the path i am giving to it

Can you post the configuration screenshot here.