Hello - I am currently creating some automation where I am reading a PDF and outputting a string. I need to check if the string contains anyone of the below codes. There is also a possibility that more than one code may exist.
Is there any cleaver way I can check for any combination of the below codes without trying to hard code a big list of possible scenarios?
Actually there is a need for not hardcoding the values in the UiPath project but instead using an external list like an excel file or an Orchestrator asset.
When changes to the list need to be made and you have the values hardcoded in the project, you might need to republish that project to Orchestrator. That can come with a lot of work if you are trying to be very compliant and need to review, test and validate new project versions.
Actually Bob himself stated the need for not hardcoding the values:
Use assets outside of your project if you expect changes, it will save you a lot of time in the long run