Change data table column header dynamically with external file


I want to rename the my input file column header dynamically

I planning to have a temple file for column header change.

at starting of the process bot has to read both input file and template file,

then bot has to rename the input file header as per template file

Any ideas pls?


Please follow the steps…

  1. Read the data from template into datatable dt
  2. Use Excel file activity and open the input file
  3. Use for each row in datatable activity inside the use excel and the datatable is the one read in step 1 (dt)
  4. Inside that for each …use a find/Replace actiivty and pass currentrow("From").ToString in find and currentrow("To").ToString in the replace field

Hope this helps


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Hi @Fresher ,
Refer the following workflow to get an idea:
ColumnNameUpdate.xaml (10.9 KB)

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Thank you, It worked as expected!!

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