When I am using ‘Get outlook mail messages’ with Account property set the I get error - ‘Get outlook mail messages : The specified folder does not exist’.
If I remove mail id from account it works.
How to get mails from a specified account id?
Also Get and send mails does not work if I have outlook instance open, I get below error -
Yes, we were setting other account so it is fixed now. But we have further issue with ‘get outlook mail message’ Filter. We wanted to filter mails based on the sender so we tried “[senderaddress] = ‘somemail@mastek.com’” but this does not work.
So we had to get all mails and add condition to check sender’s address.
Is there any other alternative that we can use?
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I know these C# techniques to filter out the mails but what I am more interested is the ‘Filter’ of get outlook mail message activity. Is there any filter to get filtered mails based on the sender id.