Casesensitive option not working in Selectors

Hello All,
Need your support as I am facing issue while create selector with ignoring case sensitive option but it also give invalid selector kindly find below screenshot for selector:
also if detect that in all examples casesensitive word should be in different color than attribute waiting your advice :slight_smile:

Studio Version: Studio pro 2021.4.4
uipath.uiautomation.activities version: 21.4.4 - also tried with updated version and still same

Hello @mahmoud.zaky ,

The format is correct. Can you remove that attribute once and try to add it again? don’t copy paste it, try to type it. It worked for me.


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@mahmoud.zaky Try to disable id, src, tag from your selectors and try validating it

Hi @mahmoud.zaky

Usually Casesensitive enables you to validate a selector by also including an attribute’s value casing. By default, the value of this option is set to true
So if at all u need false

The expression you have used above will work

Kindly try typing in once again

i tried to do that already but unfortunately with no luck.

i did it and still same problem

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If you make it as ‘true’ is it validating?

Working with me after re indicate element again and remove mentioned tags thanks a lot for your support and fast response :slight_smile:

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No problem! :slight_smile:

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