Capitalize first letter of a string for Composed words


Capitalize first letter of a string for Composed words like : Follow-up
Example : From follow-up → To Follow-up
Note : Need slight modification of : StrConv(“Word”.ToString, VbStrConv.ProperCase), which is returning : Follow-Up instead of Follow-up


Hey @hsendel

Just try this,

strConv(0).ToString.ToUpper + strConv.Skip(1).ToString

If required you can add ToLower in the second half, just in case

Hope this helps


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Hi @Nithinkrishna , Where is my variable here ?

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Hey @hsendel

strConv is your string variable, which holds the string for which the first letter to be capitalised.


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I got the following :

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Hey @hsendel

Please try this,

Word(0).ToString.ToUpper + new String(Word.Skip(1).ToArray)


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Returns same error message as the above

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I hope you are using Word variable which is a string ?


In fact “Word” is one item from “For Each” Activity.

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So @hsendel, your for-each type argument should be a string ! Currently it may be set to an object that’s the reason for the late binding error.

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YES, I changed it From Object To String and It’s Working :+1: . Thanks a lot

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Cool @hsendel :slight_smile: :+1:

Wait :disappointed_relieved: …Error disappears but I got the following after execution :
For Each: Unable to cast object of type ‘System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match’ to type ‘System.String’.

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Hey @hsendel

Keep the type argument of for-each as Match data type.

In the statement inside For-each just do this.

Word.Value(0).ToString.ToUpper + new String(Word.Value.Skip(1).ToArray)

Hope this helps.


There is no this option in the list : type argument of for-each as Match data type.


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Use Browse For Types and search Match.

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Hey @hsendel

Go to browse for types → Search Match → Choose Match which is under mscorlib → Regular expression

If you are not sure on this, just send a screenshot of that window can point it out for you.


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The below one is not working :


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In the Assign just again use Match.Value on the To field

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