Can't Find Excel activites after installing Uipath.Excel.Activities

Hi Devs, I am using windows depency in uipath studio and I have installed excel activity but I can’t find excel application scope/excel activities on search box, pls assist

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Hey @RPA-botDev

Could you please share the version of studio, I can able to actually see…


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Hello @RPA-botDev ,

Plz try to restart the studio and open the project again. Also check in project.json whether the dependency details are added in that.

Hey @RPA-botDev

Looks weird, but since it’s the new release we can’t comment immediately.

We need to check how its been for other users.


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Can you send the version you’re using so I download and use pls

Hey @RPA-botDev

I’m using Stable Enterprise 21.10.5


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Hi @RPA-botDev ,

Please re-install the excel package. Hope this will solve your issue.


It’s the same issue

Hey @RPA-botDev

Is that working fine with the stable version ?

I will also try to check the same with latest release to conclude whether that is user specific issue or common issue ?


Can you send the studio app to download from here pls

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Hey @RPA-botDev

You are using a community license or Enterprise ?


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I am using Community license

Hey @RPA-botDev

May be it will force you to auto-update as the 22.4 has been rolled out as community stable version.

Is it not okay for you to go with Windows-Legacy project compatibility settings ?


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Based on my process requirement, windows-leagcy compatibility throws exception while handling the file

Hey @RPA-botDev

Are you processing huge size excel files ?


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Yes, from 800,000 records and above

Hey @RPA-botDev

You are using Excel Read Range ?


Hi @RPA-botDev,

On your current installation of Studio, please check the filter on the activities panel. You may have the activities hidden.

I have used both excel read range and workbook read range on legacy but it’s failing