Hello Team UiPath,
I am looking for a solution wherein I am trying to filter data table values but not a static filtering but dynamic using variable in value field.
The variable contains value of each row from excel sheet.
Hello Team UiPath,
I am looking for a solution wherein I am trying to filter data table values but not a static filtering but dynamic using variable in value field.
The variable contains value of each row from excel sheet.
Hi @Rajesh_Shet,
Is it throwing you any error upon trying to use a variable as I see its allowed?
You can store the value in Variable, So everytime loops runs it will change the value
So what’s the issue you are facing?
No Sonali, it is not throwing any error, its just not showing filtered values. please see the video I attached.
Thanks for your help guys @sonaliaggarwal47 and @Srini84 , I could figure out where I was I wrong, I was using “Data table” variable in Filter data table value field, whereas I was supposed to row value my bad. Thanks again both of you.
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