Cannot see my specific folder when i would like to publish my project to Orchestrator

only see libraries option, how to fix this ? would like to publish directly to my folder i made in orchestrator

Hi @keeswirken

Publish the package to your local machine by keeping the Publish to Option in Custom. Add that particular .nupkg in the specified folder by clicking the Add process.


Hi @keeswirken

Please check this


is this changed? because before updating. you still allowed to publish directly to a specific folder

Hi @keeswirken

Check the below thread.


The people above aren’t paying attention to the detail.

If you can only see the libraries feed then you have a library, which can only get published to the libraries feed or a library feed on a folder if you set it up that way.

Regardless, it sounds like you have the wrong project type. You cannot ‘run’ a library you know?
Perhaps you can explain why you want it in a folder instead of the library feed to help us understand?