Can't see Library page in Orchestrator

I have the required access to create/Edit Libraries in Orchestrator. But I don’t see the Library page in the Orchestrator. Is it due to no libraries being published at all? I see that page in another environment but not in dev?

What other permissions do I need to access the Library page? Is it set at Tenant or Folder level?

Hi @vijaya.nagabhairava

You will be able to see the libraries at Tenant Level only.

For more information about Libraries check the below docs



You can see under package:

also for more information about libraries please refer below link:

You will need the Libraries.View permission in one of your assigned role.


Add the below standard roles for your user.


Thank you. I see it now. I am not sure why it was visible directly in one of our Prod Orchestrator where as its under Packages in another environment.

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