Cannot find robot via API call

Hi all,

I want to change robot properties via API.
I’m able to retrieve the robot list.
However, when I try to get informations on a specific robot, the call returns:

Any suggestions?

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Ideally there are no robots now…if modern try with users end point

if classic key is the id


Hi @Anil_G
I’m using the id I get with the odata/Robots/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.GetConfiguredRobots call:


Odata/robots and ofata/robots(key) could not be used in modern…as modern has users and machines and users based on role would be considered as robot

So configured robots are different…if you try odata/robots without key also it would return empty


Hi @Anil_G,

I understand, my goal is to update the robots’ Windows login password, I thought I would first look for the robot’s ID and then update the password via API. Is there a way to do this?

Thank you

I tried to change the robot user via the odata/Users({key}) API call but I get the following error:

    "message": "This type of user cannot be updated.",
    "errorCode": 1407,

I’m out of ideas :frowning:


Did you try to update the password for a user mode robot?

For unattended you can change
