Cannot embed PDF in Form Task


I am trying to use the advanced forms component for PDF in combination with a storage bucket.

I added a form data with key pdf and the name of the pdf in the storage bucket.

I added the name of the bucket to the Storage Bucket Name field. Also added the Storage Folder Path. Put on the “Enable Advanced Forms” button.

Yet the only thing that seems to show up when advanced form is off is

or when advanced form is on, it doesn’t show anything

And also this exception in Action Center:

What can I do to solve this?


please check this on step by step guide

may be you missed _storage


I am using the advanced forms solution in this case


Can you show what you have done pelase

The above is how you would display ideally from storage bucket





_storage is not necessary for advanced forms…just to check try removing _ from it

Everything looks proper…just check if these permissions are enabled


Hi, do you know where you can change this currently?

I seem to only see the automation user role and these fields are missing


you should find in folder level


Hmm, I changed it but doesn’t seem to change anything.

Shouldn’t I be able to see it anyways, as administrator?